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Dermal filler





Marionette lines


Non surgical rhinoplasty (Nose) 


Tear Trough 



Dermal filler

Dermal filler can be used in practically every area of your face. It fills lines and wrinkles and adds volume to areas such as your lips, cheeks, nasofolds, chin and jaw. Dermal filler is also used to change the shape of a nose, also known as a non surgical rhinoplasty.  


Fillers are not permanent. How long they last can depend on a variety of things such as, where their injected and on the individual but generally it is suggested that it will last around 6 months. 


Dermal filler can be injected to your under eye area to fill the hollows. The treatment is called Tear Trough. It uses a different and finer filler than one used to fill lips and cheeks. 



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